The P&C Association operates a tuckshop and it is run by volunteers. All volunteers must be in-serviced in the Code of Conduct and Student Protection. The Injune P&C Association invites you to become a tuckshop volunteer.
Tuckshop offers food and drink at first and second breaks that is in line with the Smarts Choices - Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy. Tuckshop menus are published in the Informer.
On a brown paper bag, write the student’s name, year level and lunch time (first break or second break). Students will need a bag for each break.
Please include a second bag with each hot food order.
On the bag write what the student would like to eat and the tallied cost.
Place the monies in the second break bag and seal it.
At present, bags are collected at the beginning of class on Mondays so food can be readied for Thursday tuckshop.
Bulk family ordering